If you’re wondering how to celebrate Christmas in Spain, there are a few things you should know. First of all, most Spanish people go to Midnight Mass (La Misa Del Gallo or Mass of the Rooster) on Christmas Eve. This is because the rooster is said to have crowed on the night of Jesus’ birth.
In the past, Spain did not focus much on Santa Claus and celebrated Christmas without him until fairly recently. Even though there is no Santa Claus in Spain, it is possible to experience this holiday through the local figures. Some Spanish cities have elaborate festivities that make Nochebuena a unique and interesting experience.
In Galicia, for example, Christmas trees are widely spread throughout homes. There are also miniature nativity scenes called belenes that depict the life of Jesus in his birth village. These always feature the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the Three Kings. Seville has another version of Santa Claus called the Immaculada, and Granada celebrates Hogueras, the winter solstice. During the festivities, people jump through a bonfire, hoping to be protected from the cold.
While Nochebuena is primarily a family-oriented festivity, most Spanish families attend the Midnight Mass, known as the “Mass of the Rooster,” at midnight on the night of the birth of Jesus. These festive services are attended by the majority of the country’s Catholic population.
In Spain, the Three Kings Day, or Epiphany, is a major religious holiday. The holiday is often celebrated with great fanfare and is a public holiday. This celebration is the first day of the new year and, in Spain, the Three Kings Day parade is held in many cities. The parade is filled with floats, costumes, bands, and candy. The three Kings are usually represented by the star, the Three Kings’ gifts, and gold, which is given to the king.
Spanish children look forward to the Epiphany as the day they receive their Christmas presents. It is believed that the Three Kings will visit Spain on this day and will leave gifts for children. The children write letters to the Three Kings on 26 December and leave straw and walnuts in their shoes for them to find. The children also expect the Three Kings to leave them candies.
The tradition of celebrating Epiphany dates back to the 2nd century and is one of the oldest Christian holidays. The celebration marks the day when the Magi visited the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. The event is also known in Spain as the Festival of the Three Royal Magi. In addition to the Magi, John the Baptist is believed to have baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
If you are planning a holiday in Spain this Christmas, you should know what to expect. The country is extremely religious and over half of the population is Catholic, making Christmas celebrations very special. On December 25, Catholics celebrate the Midnight Mass, La Misa de Gallo. Many families also have their main Spanish Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve.
During Christmas time, Spanish children will clean their shoes so the Three Kings can come and visit them. In the early hours of the morning, these men will visit the homes of children. If the children behave well, they will be rewarded with a nice gift. On January 6, children will wake up to the sounds of Christmas music and see presents. This tradition will continue throughout the year and can be a great way to experience Christmas in Spain.
Spanish children also look forward to Nochebuena, the night when Santa Claus brings gifts to children. In Spanish, Santa Claus is also known as Papa Noel. Different regions of Spain have their own traditions for the holiday, such as Olentzero in the Basque Country and Tio de Nadal in Catalunya. Regardless of what type of Christmas celebrations you prefer, remember that Christmas in Spain is a fun and festive time for everyone.
Nativity scenes
Traditionally, Spain celebrates Christmas with nativity scenes, which are life-sized, traditional displays of the birth of the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. The nativity scenes are made by assembling a variety of animals and characters to represent the biblical story. However, some towns and cities have developed a more elaborate tradition, adding moving pieces and special effects to the nativity scenes.
If you’re planning a trip to Spain, don’t miss the chance to view the Nativity scenes in the streets. Most cities in Spain have nativity scenes, and many host special events such as nativity plays. One of the most famous Nativity plays is the Buitrago del Lozoya, which retells the Christmas story with hundreds of actors.
In addition to the nativity scenes, many Spanish homes also display Christmas trees, called belenes. These nativity scenes feature the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the Three Kings. These scenes are a traditional way for families to celebrate Christmas in Spain. In fact, some families even have a special box containing half-broken figurines, papier-mache, and mirrors. In some cases, there are even living actors portrayed in the scenes!
When December begins, Spanish nativity scenes appear in store windows. Even big companies open their doors to the public so that they can display elaborate nativity scenes. You can also visit nativity scene markets and buy handmade icons and figurines. Many homes display an array of traditional candies and sweets for their guests.
Catalan tradition of roscon de reyes
The Catalan tradition of roscon de Reyes is an amazing way to celebrate Christmas in Spain. Unlike the traditional cake, this delicious dessert has figures and objects hidden inside. Traditionally, the cake contains a king figure or bean. It is the person who finds the figure or bean that pays for the cake.
The origins of the roscon de Reyes date back to the second century B.C. and were closely linked to the pagan celebration of “Las Saturnales,” which celebrated the god Saturn. The holiday celebrated the end of the darkest period of the year and the beginning of a brighter one. During this time, the cake was a favorite of the people, and was often accompanied by a special cake made of honey and hidden nuts.
The roscon is made with bread flour and sugar, eggs and fresh yeast. It is then shaped like a ring and decorated with coloured frosted fruits. These fruits are said to imitate precious stones. The roscon also contains a figurine that is hidden inside it. Those who find the figurine get to be crowned king or queen, or at least pay for the roscon.
El Gordo lottery
If you are planning to celebrate Christmas in Spain, you will definitely want to take part in the El Gordo lottery. This lottery dates back to 1812 and is one of the most popular in the country. The prize pot for this lottery is huge, with over 2.41 billion euros being awarded to winners. The prize money is distributed amongst many winners across various regions. Winners are usually invited to a festive street party in order to celebrate their lucky win.
The lottery is not just about making money, though. It is also about community celebration and hope. In Huesca, a Greek expatriate household was the only household to not purchase the decimo with the winning number, but his neighbours all won EUR100,000. In fact, the El Gordo lottery has been the subject of numerous comedy films.
Unlike American lotteries, the El Gordo lottery is not just a Christmas gift. The prize money is split among winners and decimos are sold by many bars and local businesses. Typically, these participations cost EUR20 each.
Catalan tradition of misa de gallo
In Catalonia, Catalan families make a special wooden log with a face and legs and store it indoors. The log is covered with a blanket to keep it warm. On Christmas Day, the children beat the log with sticks, sing a song to make it poop candy, and pull back the blanket to reveal the sweets inside.
In Spain, there are many different Christmas traditions to experience. Many cities hold Christmas markets, which are known as “mercados de Navidad.” You can find handmade gifts, decorations, flowers, sweets, and a host of other goodies at Christmas markets. The oldest Christmas market in Spain is in Barcelona.
The typical Catalan Christmas dinner features several courses, including meat, seafood, and pasta shells. For dessert, the traditional Catalan misa de gallo includes ‘escadella’ (giant meatball) and ‘polverone’ (marzipan). A variety of wines are consumed to celebrate Christmas in Spain.
The Catalan version of Christmas in Spain involves the celebration of the Three Kings. These figures are known as los Reyes Magos (the three kings). They studied the stars and knew that the star in Bethlehem meant the birth of the Divine King. Spanish children write letters to these “Reyes” on 5 January, starting the letters with: “Dear Kings of the East.” After the letter is sent, the Three Kings leave presents and gifts for the children.