The Different Styles of Architecture of Spanish Architects

The architecture of Spain has a diverse history and many styles. There is the Asturian Pre-Romanesque, the Churrigueresque, and the Mudejar, to name a few. Each has a distinct style and each influences the way architecture is made and designed today.

Asturian Pre-Romanesque

Asturian Pre-Romanesque architecture in Spain reflects the influence of Visigothic and Byzantine architecture. They incorporated geometric and floral designs in their work. Some of their work is on display in the sacristy museum. Asturias’s cathedral is an excellent example of pre-Romanesque architecture. It features six arches on its central hall and features a barrel vault.

The San Salvador de Valdedios church, also known as “el Conventin,” was built during the reign of King Alfonso III. Its three naves and octagonal porch, similar to those of San Juan de Banos, reflect the Pre-Romanesque style. In addition, the church is a striking example of Asturian Pre-Romanesque architecture, with overlapping aisles and a barrel vault. This church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Asturian Pre-Romanesque style is unique in Spain. It combines elements of other styles but has its own personality and characteristic characteristics. The resulting style achieved a high level of refinement, both in decoration and construction. The cathedral’s reliquary and the Cross of Santiago are both examples of Asturian Pre-Romanesque architecture.

Another Asturian Pre-Romanesque church is the Santo Adriano de Tunon church, built in the late ninth century. Originally a royal residence, the church is now a church. The building’s vaulted upper level opens to the outdoors through wide bay windows. The church’s Byzantine capitals depict Asturian animals and rope. Its interior features a narthex at the foot of the sanctuary.

The Asturian kings built grand monuments in rural areas, as well as in the capital city of Oviedo. These include the cathedral dedicated to the Savior and a chapel dedicated to the Virgin. The Pantheon and the Holy Chamber where relics are kept are also prominent examples of Pre-Romanesque architecture in Spain.

The principality of Asturias is home to some of the most impressive pre-Romanesque architecture in Spain. The earliest buildings date to the ninth and early tenth centuries, and Asturias has the largest collection of late medieval buildings in Western Europe. Six of these buildings have been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status.

Asturian Baroque

Asturian Baroque architecture can be categorized as Christian-influenced architecture. It features symmetrical structures with massive stone masonry and towers. This style is found mostly in the province of Asturias, especially in the city of Oviedo. An excellent example of this style of architecture is the Ermita de Santa Cristina de Lena, which has been preserved in ideal conditions and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985.

The Museum of Asturian Art is housed in an imposing building with baroque architecture. The building was originally called the Palacio de Velarde and was expanded in 1986 to add an additional 17th-century palace. This museum is the oldest art museum in Spain and houses a wide range of art works and exhibits.

In addition to traditional works of art, the museum has a modern wing that displays contemporary works by Asturian artists. The museum’s collection includes paintings by artists like Evaristo Valle, Nicanor Pinole, Joaquin Vaquero, Paulino Vicente, Luis Fernandez, and Aurelio Suarez. There are also sculptures, drawings, and industrial art works on display in the museum.

The Church of San Pedro de Nora, an early Asturian church, is a striking example of Asturian pre-Romanesque architecture. Although the church is small and simple, Luis Menendez Pidal reconstructed it in the 1940s with care. It has many similarities to San Julian de los Prados, and is a highly recommended visit.

The Cathedral of Asturias features a royal Pantheon for Asturian monarchs. Its sacristy roof is decorated with a fresco by Martinez de Bustamante. The cathedral also includes a cloister with the Diocesan Museum, where important archaeological items are displayed. It also contains the Holy Chamber, where the cathedral holds its treasures such as the Cross of Los Angeles and the Holy Ark.

The Baroque style is characterized by the fusion of classical antiquity and native taste. In particular, the polychrome religious sculptures exemplify the combination of extreme realism and inward spirituality. In addition to this, baroque masters were noted for their sobriety of color. The great Italians of the period included Caravaggio and Zurbaran. During the same period, Velazquez became one of the most famous artists of all time.


The Churrigueresque style is a style of architecture characterized by its elaborate and intricate ornamentation. The earliest works of this style date back to 1689, and feature floral motifs and celestial themes. There are also angels and cherubs that enhance the divine theme. This architecture style is characterized by a rich golden palette.

The Granada Charterhouse is considered the pinnacle of Churrigueresque architectural style. The Toledo Cathedral, designed by Narciso Tome, is also a fine example of this style. The interiors of both these structures offer stunning space and light combinations.

Alberto Churriguera was an architect in the late XVII century. His most notable works remain today, including his plaza mayor. Later, his son Nicolas Churriguera continued the Churrigueresque style in Salmanca. Likewise, Manuel de Larra Churriguera, the grandson of Jose Churriguera, and his son Jose Churriguera, also continued this style.

Another Spanish architectural style is the Cistercian style. This style is a transitional style between Gothic and Romanesque styles. It originated in the remote monasteries of the Benedictine monks of Cluny. This style is also characterized by its natural, fluid, organic, and flowing appearance.


The architecture of Mudejar is a complex and varied style, often with intricate designs. This type of architecture is particularly vulnerable to various causes of deterioration, including human factors. To preserve it in a viable condition, it is crucial to continuously use it while maintaining the overall conservation and protection of its components. However, continued use also generates problems relating to uncontrolled changes. For this reason, a proper management plan is essential. This plan should take into account the individual component parts and the surrounding built environment.

Some of the best examples of Mudejar architecture can be found in the Alcazar of Seville. This octagonal structure has buttresses and is one of the most significant examples of Mudejar Architecture. The architecture is a blend of Gothic and Islamic styles.

While there were other Spanish architectural styles before the Mudejar movement, this one was a unique fusion of Christian and Islamic art. The Muslim culture and Christian style of architecture was a symbiotic relationship. Muslim craftsmen who were working for Christians in Christian territory developed the style. The combination of Muslim and Christian influences spawned buildings with intricate geometric designs. In addition to being a unique style, Mudejar buildings often have intricate tilework that evokes Arabic calligraphy and geometry. Although Mudejar buildings are not as graceful as their Moorish predecessors, they often have a uniquely distinctive appearance.

Mudejar architecture is found in more than a hundred buildings throughout Spain. Of these, ten are considered UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Some of these buildings include the Cathedral of San Pedro in Teruel, the Church of San Magdalena de Zaragoza, and the Church of Santa Maria de Calatayud.

Mudejar Architecture in Spain is a unique style that reflects Christian, Muslim, and Jewish influences. This style primarily comprises towers and religious buildings. This style of architecture was developed between the 12th and the seventeenth centuries. It was created in response to the changing social and economic conditions in Spain following the Reconquista. Today, Mudejar architecture is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The style is sometimes referred to as Islamic. This is due to the influence of the Muslim people during the time of the Muslim conquest. This style spread throughout the Mediterranean and to parts of Latin America. The style was later adapted to suit new environments.