The Costa Blanca in Spain is one of the best places on Earth to install photovoltaic modules. There are several reasons behind this statement but, perhaps, the most important one is the over 2800 hours of sunshine this area gets a year.
If you would like to cut expenses or even make some money, read on because the solar energy revolution has already started.
Let’s Talk Kilowatts
The energy of the sun’s indirect exposure can generate up to 1.36 KW per square meter (radiating vertically). That energy can be captured by a photovoltaic cell. Although only 20% can be converted to electricity, we are talking about an inexhaustible source of energy.
Home Consumption
The roof of most houses (except when turned into a terrace) is unusable. Thus, installing the panels on the roof will not mean losing any space at home. Furthermore, once installed, this system can provide any regular house with up to 90% of its yearly energy consumption. This is, without family members worrying about energy cost savings.
If you have electric heating or cooling devices in your home or even are thinking about electromobility there can not be a way around a photovoltaic system for your property. The annual requirement for electricity easily doubles or triples compared to a household without these consumers and a photovoltaic system quickly becomes a gold mine.
Moreover, for those who want to achieve the ultimate dream and live a life off the grid, a battery attached to the panels can be the answer. That way, whatever energy is exceeding the daily consumption can be used at night when the system can’t generate.
Although a battery storage system is definitely a non-neglectable price driver for the installation as well as being one of the more degrading parts with shorter life-span than the rest of the system, it can be the one thing you do not want to miss in your home. Giving you the possibility to be completely autarkic, having the energy you produced throughout the day available at night or even in a cloudy week in winter, this is the non plus ultra in not having to worry about land line problems and central power outages… as you don’t rely on them anymore.
Closing The Price Gap
One of the main concerns that people had for decades regarding this topic was the price and risk. Thinking of installing a photovoltaic system at home was thought of as a pricey endeavor or even as impossible-to-pay-for. The manufacturers and the technology behind them was new and from time to time unreliable.
Due to intensive technical research and the rising energy prices, that is no longer the case. The reliability of today’s hardware allows the manufacturers and sellers to give warranty periods exceeding the time of amortisation. Meaning for the end consumer not only a risk free investment but a profit in nearly every case. Therefore, those who are not investing in transforming their houses right now into solar hubs are missing out on a great chance.
Germany, A Role Model
Although the sunshine hour count in Germany is less than half the one in Costa Blanca (1100 vs. 2800), the country is a role model in solar energy. For example, those who build new buildings in southern Germany need to install a photovoltaic system. This is mandatory since the beginning of the year 2022. Moreover, there are no government subsidies for it at the moment; but still these systems are cost-effective. Old gas and oil heating systems have to be replaced within the next 10 years – the more reasonable and sustainable system to replace these with will be heat pumps. And heat pumps are the logical partner to photovoltaic panels. They are dependent on electrical energy to be a highly efficient supplier of heat.
By making solar energy a must for new buildings, the German government is taking matters one step further than the rest of Europe. Furthermore, the rising electricity costs and the advanced technology in the renewable energy market make it viable for any real estate owner to fulfill this government request.
And in the long run, Germany is becoming self-sufficient in terms of energy, which is by no means only a detail, also regarding the current geopolitical situation.
Spain Is Catching Up
The Spanish government responds to what is going on outside its borders with these two actions:
- Elimination of the solar energy law – The solar energy law derogation means a huge step for the Spanish people. This law forced those who owned photovoltaic cells to pay a fee for transforming solar energy into electricity.
- Offering state aid – Those who opt for a photovoltaic system receive a subsidy from the state.
Dual-Model Spanish Initiative
Furthermore the Spanish government launched a dual-model initiative that is attractive for users.
In the first model, all the energy generated and not consumed by the company or private household goes back to the energy grid. That amount is deducted from the energy used when the system is idle (i.e., at night and on very cloudy days). Thus, the electricity fee only charges the resulting remaining consumption and becomes minimal.
In the second model, companies or individuals get the chance of turning into electricity producers. They do this by feeding all the generated electric power into the grid and getting paid for it. This is an excellent option for those who own vacation houses that might be empty off-season.
The establishment of many local and private-owned photovoltaic installations should be in everyone´s interest. Industrial solar farms are on the rise, too. Only through decentralised energy generation will citizens be able to prevent the monopoly of the industry on energy prices.
These systems should be well calculated and laid-out regarding the needs of the individual home to be energy efficient, but with professional technical advidce and energy consultation, every House, old or new, will benefit through upgrades by advanced energetic systems these days. Whether it only is a roof-mounted energy producing “solar power plant” for passive income, or a well-balanced layout of home-automation through innovative and fail-safe concepts including photovoltaic panels, heat-pumps and solar thermal energy.
But don´t be discouraged: depending on the system you choose for your home and the state aids offered in your area, you might even be in the plus from day one. As paying off your new system will cost you less than the monthly bills you had to pay so far.
In any case, apart from lower running costs for yourself and your own contribution to a healthier environment for everyone, these designs will lead to higher quality levels of your property resulting in a significant rise in resale value.